Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day

     Since I do not have a special someone for Valentine's Day, I thought I would send out my love to family and friends.  I do love chocolate, so tomorrow will not be too bad.  At least there are good sales on it in the stores.  I am thankful this Valentine's Day for actually being aware of it this year.  This time a year ago,  I just really do not remember the month of February.  I guess since Phil had passed away in January, I was still in shock.  My daughter, my little brain, told me what we did last year.  We had asked a couple of close friends and their kids over to play.  The kids loved it because they all played on this huge dirt pile next to my house.  (Which is still there)  They all got so filthy dirty that I was sweeping dirt up for a week.  Why do I feel the need to ever spend money on my children?   Just keep the dirt pile and my kids are happy.  (If you know of anyone who needs some dirt, let me know.)
     I think I finally woke up last year after the trees had finished putting their leaves on for spring.  That happens to be one of my favorite times of the year and I thank God I can enjoy it this year.  It is amazing to me how He can work and protect you through grief.  I know without a shadow of a doubt, I needed that time where I was in shock to heal.  I have people ask me all the time about how the kids are doing.  Thankfully, they are doing great.  I look at them today and they are the most happy lovable kids.  Spencer sings all day some stupid little song he heard off Bonanza, while driving me insane popping his cap guns as he pretends to be the Lone Ranger.  Anna is still as sweet and helpful as she always has been.  She has become a superb little cook.  From cookies, pies, biscuits, she is always baking.  She is definitely taking on her Daddy's baking talents.  I look at her and often think she is more of the Mom than I am.  I will never understand the reason Phil had to leave us so soon, but I feel truly in awe at how God is fixing us back to a normal little family.  We really do serve an awesome and capable God!  I pray you all feel the love I feel in my heart for our heavenly Father tomorrow.

                                                               Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Be Still

     I used to wonder why my Mom never sat down and just chilled.  That was before I was a Mom.  Sometimes it can be exhausting and I have a whole new appreciation for single Moms.  It's hard!  Last week I had the feeling sorry for myself blues.  Let's be honest, I have had the blues for a while now.  I started to question my decision of homeschooling my kids.  My son has been extremely difficult lately.  I really think it is just his age, but I finally had to put my foot down and he has been much better after is little attitude readjustment.  I have been definitely praying a bunch about decisions I feel like should be made this year.  It is so funny how God can slap your face with something and you realize how much of a kid you have been acting.  Sounding familiar?
     Sometimes we just need to step back and be still.  Get to a quiet place and really relax.  Talk to our heavenly Father.  It may be only 5 minutes  before something interrupts you, but try it.  I put pressure on myself, not any one person or thing doing it.  I just need to learn how to let God take His time in my life.  It may not be the right moment for these decisions.  One thing for sure is I am going to keep homeschooling.  I have a teaching degree and have always enjoyed it.  My kids love it and I even have a school house.  I am going to take it year by year and pray before each school year.  Someday, God may lay it upon my heart to do something else, but I just have to keep stepping one foot in front of the other.  Satan sure knows how to get into your head and make you think you can't do something.  Yes, raising kids is hard without your spouse, but this is the season I am in right now and I am going to rejoice through the tears.

                                                Cottonwood Lake near Buena Vista, CO.
                                             Mountains help me feel calm and realize the
                                                 glory of His creation.  Pretty awesome.

                    "It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord." Lamentations 3:26

Monday, February 2, 2015

Animal Update

     I thought it was time to add some comic relief to my blog.  As many of you already know, I have a year old Australian Shepherd, Stetson, and my Mom's black cat, Lucy.  When we go over to Mom and Dad's house (Gigi and Pawpaw), we always take Stetson where he can play with my sister's pit bull, Patch.  (Really so I can wear him out so he won't chew up so many things at my house:)  Anyways, his new favorite past time is attacking my Mom's back yard bird feeder.  To show you the extent of my dog's intellectual being, he hides in her bushes waiting for the beautiful little birds to come to the feeder.    Once a good number of non-suspecting targets are on the ground below the feeder, out jumps this big dog running in for the attack.  Of course the birds see him coming a mile away, and fly up into the safety of the tree.  Then just because of all the effort, Stetson looks up in the tree and barks for 5 minutes.  This goes on for hours.......and hours.........
     Another one of his favorite activities is taking off the faucet cover.  I have one outdoor faucet that he can get to on my house that I have tried to keep covered during the cold nights.  It doesn't matter what I put on it, towels, an actual faucet cover, and a plastic pipe covering, off it comes and within seconds is buried out behind my school house.  Yes, he is one and yes, he should be outgrowing this type of behavior.  Grrrrr.....  I tell you if Phil had not given this dog to our children, he would be for sale in a heart beat.  Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, but this one is trying my patience.  I keep telling myself that he will grow out of this as I write this post and he is outside chasing birds.
     Now as for Lucy, she is the most spoiled rotten cat ever.  She sees my truck coming down the driveway and meets my kids at the door to come in the house and be held.  Her most favorite past time is napping and napping.  This winter she has gained at least 5 pounds.  We will have to put her on a diet in the spring.  
Lucy acting like she doesn't notice Stetson.

Stetson begging to come into the school house.  This is his sweet face, and it didn't work.