During Thanksgiving holiday, my family took us to Oklahoma to go deer hunting. The deer lease is in the middle of no where with absolutely no modern technology. To get cell service, you have to travel almost 15 minutes down the road and it is still sketchy. We arrived on Monday and by the time we unloaded the trailer that looked like the "Beverly Hillbillies", it was time for bed. Everything was going fine until I had a difficult time Tuesday night. I have never really had an anxiety, panicking fit over loosing my husband, but I had one this night. I wanted to go home now, and my Mom did her best to console me. I finally got tired of being so sad, and went to bed.
As I went to sleep, I asked that God would somehow take all the pain away because I just couldn't deal with it anymore. That night I had the most unusual dream. I was back at my family's lake lot and about to have some real fun, when I noticed this huge water slide two boathouses down. I walked up to it and realized it was about three stories tall. I thought what fun, and began to climb up. By the time I had made my way to the top, I noticed writing where you sit your bottom down on the slide. It was in my husband's handwriting and said, "You've made it this far, now slide!" There was more writing below and as I started to read it, I noticed just how far up off the ground I was. I became very scared and climbed back down the slide.
The next morning, I ran downstairs to tell my Mom about the dream. She was very excited and thought it had the best meaning. I had made it a long way and I really needed to just keep on walking forward. Wow! I really hadn't thought about the meaning before I told her about the dream. Phil was telling me (in a way) to move on living my life. I felt like he was proud of me. I give full credit to the Lord, because He knew I needed some encouragement from my husband. After that day, I relaxed and had a great time. I even let myself have some fun and played cards with my sisters and brother-in-laws. I hadn't laughed that much in ages. I just breezed through my first Thanksgiving without Phil and actually enjoyed it. Isn't God wonderful!!
"Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom." - Psalm 145:3